
We can all use additional resources to help us promote and sustain our heritage sites and collections. This page is designed to provide access to easily accessible resources that are important to our heritage community. If you have any resources you wish to share with your colleagues please send them to

The Heritage Matters Report prepared by the Association Heritage New Brunswick can be found here.

Guidelines for museums in New Brunswick

Roles and Responsibilities of Museum Boards of Trustees, CMA and CAMDO 2004 

The Canadian Museums Association has prepared a printable download of the 30 standards for museums in the Report Taken to Action, which you can pin, share or print.

CODE OF ETHICS and Guidance for Practice of the Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property and of the Canadian Association of Professional Conservators

CCI – Emergency Preparedness for Cultural Institutions: Identifying and Reducing Hazards

Community Museum Project Development

Virtual Collections Handbook

Museum Health and Safety Program Template Document

Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging

NB Heritage Sites & Covid-19: A Guide to Collections Safety, Staff & Volunteer Re-Entry, and Visitor Re-Entry

Accessioning Webinar Resources:

Artefact Labelling and Marking Handbook

Data Dictionary 2006-2007

Discipline Authority List

Techniques and Materials

The Fredericton Region Museum Cataloging Manual

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