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50th Annual AHNB Conference and AGM Registration Form
IMPORTANT NOTICE: AHNB has extended the Early-Bird Summit Rate deadline to October 26th!
First Name
Last Name
Please share your pronouns
Pronouns are the part of speech used to refer to someone in the third person. We want to know how to refer to you respectfully!
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
Mailing Address
Institution / Affiliation
Food Allergies and other Dietary Requirements
Accessibility Requirements
Day 1: Wednesday, November 13th
9:00am - 12:00pm
Registration Desk Open
1:00pm - 4:30pm (Please select one option)
Reception at Fredericton Region Museum and Black History Heritage Walking Tour with Jennifer McInerney-Dow
New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame - Session on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility and Museum Tour
Heritage Walking Tour of Downtown Fredericton with Dr. Koral Lavorgna
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Evening Meet and Greet at the NB Military History Museum with Guest Speaker Lieutenant Governor, The Honourable Brenda L. Murphy, ONB, at 119 Walnut Street, Building A5, Oromocto, NB E2V 4J5
Day 2: Thursday, November 14th
7:30am - 8:30am
Breakfast Buffet
8:30am - 8:40am
Opening Remarks with Lawren Campbell, AHNB President
8:40am - 9:35am
(#2A) Kiers Marketing with Andrew Byrne - (Museum Session)
(#2B) History and record of preservation of heritage places in two New Brunswick communities with Chris White et Barbie Smith (Successes and Challenges) - (Built Heritage Session)
9:40am - 10:35am
(#3A) Panel Presentation on Grants with Anja Hamilton and Geneviève Dupuis - (Museum Session)
(#3B) Presentation on heritage by-laws, zoning requirements, and other legislation affording protection to heritage places and success in the application of these tools with Erin Jeffries and Lawren Campbell - (Built Heritage Session)
11:00am - 12:00pm
(#4A) Philippe Basque and Sylvette Fortin from Village historique acadien: Case Study on succession planning, school programming, and the importance of kids' activities at a historic site - (Museum Session)
(#4B) Workshop on Writing Heritage Character Statements with Joanna Aiton Kerr - (Built Heritage Session)
Lunch and AGM
1:10pm - 2:10pm
(#5) AHNB at Work: Who we are, Survey Results, and AHNB's 5-Year Business Plan with the AHNB Board of Directors
2:40pm - 4:00pm
(#6A) Smudging Ceremony with Romona Nicholas and Workshop in developing a Reconciliation Policy for Community Museums with Dr. Cynthia Wallace-Cassey - (Museum Session)
(#6B) Developers and Heritage (Moncton - Sharon Kelly) & (Fredericton - Gabriel Elzeyat, Bella Properties) Two developers will speak on heritage buildings they have restored or repurposed in Moncton and Fredericton touching on such matters as preserving the exteriors, dealing with interiors, challenges posed by building codes and zoning. - (Built Heritage Session)
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Banquet & Awards Ceremony with Special Guest John McAvity
Day 3: Friday, November 15th
8:00am - 9:00am
Breakfast Buffet
#1A (9:00am -10:00am)
Clewdunnit Mysteries: Solving the Secrets of the Past with Dr. Koral LaVorgna
#2A (10:00am -11:30am)
Closing Presentation with John Leroux - How to build support for heritage (Built Heritage and Museums)
Registration Fees
Registration Type (does not include banquet)
Click here to select registration type
1. Early Bird Registration (pre-October 26th) - $180
2. Full Summit (AHNB Member) - $225
3. Full Summit (Non-Member) - $250
4. Full Summit (Under 30 Young Professional) - $125
5. One day only (without banquet) - $115
Registration Type (does not include banquet)
Click here to select registration type
1. Full Summit (AHNB member) - $225
2. Full Summit (non-member) - $250
3. Full Summit (Under 30 Young Professional) - $125 (not including banquet)
3. One day only (not including banquet) - $115
Banquet Quantity ($50 per person)
Payment Method
Click here to view your payment options for conference fees
1. Send e-transfer to info@amnb.ca
2. Make cheques out to AMNB and mail to Association Heritage New Brunswick at 503 Queen Street, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5H1
3. Credit card by calling (506) 454-3561 (additional fees apply)
4. Pay online with PayPal (additional fees apply)
Final Registration Cost (includes fees if applicable)
Final Registration Cost (includes PayPal fees)
Please do not fill in this field.
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