Standards and Guidelines

Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada:

The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada provide sound, practical ways to follow good conservation practices. They constitute a national benchmark for heritage conservation practice in Canada and provide guidance for sound decision-making when planning for and taking any action resulting in a physical change to the character-defining elements of a building in order to respect and protect its heritage value.

Practical Conservation Guidelines 

These guidelines are a companion piece to the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. They were developed by the City of Saint John to describe to property owners how to carry out appropriate conservation work on their older buildings.

Their purpose is to provide information to property owners, tradespeople, developers, planners, and others in implementing the national Standards and Guidelines to ensure the best approach is taken when conserving (preserving, rehabilitating, or restoring) heritage buildings. They outline best practices and correct procedures for work done to the exterior of heritage buildings.

They cover the topics of masonry, windows, doors, wood, painting, roofs, dormers, eaves and cornices, porches, awnings, and facades, and, for commercial operations, signs, and storefronts. Additional guidelines cover architectural styles, preparing conservation plans, contracts, and hiring contractors.

Template for Listing of Heritage Buildings in New Brunswick:

Template for Heritage Building Inventory Entries

This Old House…Just How Old Is It (York-Sunbury Historical Society)

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