Grants and Funding

Professional Development:

The Canadian Museums Association offers three types of bursaries to assist museum professionals in the following areas:

  • Conference Professional Development
  • Emerging Professional Development
  • Mid-Career Professional Development

More information can be found here…


Artefact Conservation

The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) offers conservation treatments on objects and works of art in order to prevent further deterioration, to aid interpretation or to re-establish culturally significant qualities. Treatments can range from minimal stabilization to more extensive restorations. Apply here.


NB Heritage & Archaeological Services

Heritage Grant Programs
Links to the Grant Programs listed below can be found (near the bottom of the page) on the GNB Website. 

Museums & Historical Societies
Operational Funding
Community Museum Assistance
Historical Societies Assistance
Project-based Funding
Exhibition Renewal and Museum Activities Support Program
Museum Collection Inventory
Professional & Organizational Grant

Commemorations and Celebrations

Archaeological Services Information

Built Heritage
Built Heritage Program
Property Tax Abatement for Heritage Properties
Community Cultural Places Program

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