Jane Gerrish House


Type / Purpose

Private Residence


163 Main Street, Blackville, New Brunswick


The Gerrish House is a two-storey Edwardian Foursquare building at 163 Main Street in Blackville. It was the residence of local business couple Jane (née MacRae, formerly Bean) and James Gerrish.

Heritage Value

The Jane Gerrish House was the residence of Jane MacRae, one of Blackville's most successful business owners.

Built around 1925, the Jane Gerrish House is an example of the Edwardian Foursquare design that is often seen in early 20th-century buildings in Blackville. Its rectangular massing, hipped roof, and enclosed porch are all in keeping with the style.
The building next to this one was the James Bean, which was MacRae's store. Her strong business sense and maternal qualities made her a prominent presence in the local mercantile trade. Jane was joined by her husband, James Bean, in her business venture, naming the store after him. Two years after Bean's death in 1913, Jane MacRae married James Gerrish, who also became her new business partner.
The building on the right is Sturgeon's Store. Originally, the MacRaes had this structure erected behind their house to serve as a backyard kitchen, where meals could be cooked during hot weather without risking overheating the main house. The building was detached during the 1940s and moved next door.

Heritage Recognition

Municipal Register of Local Historic Places (2008/06/12)


Date of Construction

c. 1925

Character Defining Elements

- Two-storey Edwardian Foursquare rectangular massing
- Hipped roof
- Full-width enclosed porch with off-center door
- Triangular pediment above front door
- Windows with X-shaped decorative patten on porch
- Location near Sturgeon's Store and the James Bean Store, operated by same owners


Notable Historic Occupants

Jane MacRae, James Bean, James Gerrish


Links/Related Content

Associated Buildings:
Strugeon's Store
James Bean Store

Corner view of the Jane Gerrish House, photographed by the Village of Blackville. Image taken from historicplaces.ca.

Sources Contributors

Gabrielle Byrne

Copyright 2023
A Ginger Design