McAdam Post Office


Type / Purpose

Post Office


105 Saunders Road, McAdam, New Brunswick, E6J, Canada


The McAdam Post Office is a two-storey building, located in the center of McAdam not far from the local Canadian Pacific Railway Station. It is made of red brick and has sandstone accents.

Heritage Value

The McAdam Post Office is recognized for its connection to noted architect Thomas W. Fuller and its role in the McAdam community.

The McAdam Post Office was one of several post offices across the country erected as part of a project by the Canadian Federal Government to increase their presence in small towns across the country. These buildings were designed by Thomas W. Fuller, Chief Dominion Architect (1927–1933). Taking inspiration from the work of his father, Thomas Fuller Sr., who was Chief Architect for the Dominion of Canada from 1867 to 1896, Fuller crafted these buildings to showcase features from both the Gothic Revival and Romanesque Revival styles. These offices were characterized by their picturesque massing, accented by stone gables. However, possibly due to the economic hardship brought on by the Great Depression, this particular building is noticeably scaled down in comparison to its predecessors, lacking the clock towers that were present in much of Fuller's previous work.

The building was operated by the federal government for many years, at times also hosting a Customs and Immigration Office and the RCMP. In the present, though no longer under the ownership of the government, the building continues to function as a post office and a community hub.

Heritage Recognition

In 2008, McAdam Post Office was recognized under the Municipal Register of Local Historic Places


Date of Construction


Character Defining Elements

- Squarish, two-storey massing constructed from red brick
- Hipped roof
- Romanesque Revival sandstone entrance with decorative lintel and sandstone ancones, underneath a peaked copper-capped dormer
- A peaked copper-capped dormer with a copper carving with the name “McAdam Post Office" and a diamond-shaped sandstone insert with an inscription that reads “1934" above the entrance
- Seven flush single-window red brick dormers, and one two-window shed dormer, all capped in copper with sandstone sill plates

Builder/Building Company

Department of Public Works


Thomas W. Fuller


Notable Historic Occupants

(Français) Maîtres et maîtresses de poste : James Haddock (1870 - 1882), Charles Hoben (1882 - 1884), James W. Green (1884 - 1914) William J. Gaynor (1914 - 1953), John L. Carson (1955 -????), Pauline Golding, Darlene Blair


Photograph by the McAdam Historical Restoration Committee, taken from the Canada's Historic Places website

Sources Contributors

Shawna Cyr-Calder, Gabrielle Byrne

Copyright 2023
A Ginger Design