Sharp’s Corner Drug Store


Type / Purpose



3 Broad Street, Sussex, New Brunswick


Sharp's Corner Drug Store is a teal two-story Classic Revival building with a one-story trapezoidal addition, located at the corner of Broad and Main streets in Sussex

Heritage Value

Sharp's Corner Drug Store is recognized for its longtime role in the Sussex community and its architecture.

Founded by Dr. Johnson in 1894, Sharp's pharmacy business was acquired by B.J. Sharp in 1897. The drugstore was originally located at the original Depot Hotel, but had to find a new home when that building was destroyed in a fire in 1911. It wasn't until 1929 that this building at 3 Broad Street was chosen as the new permanent home of the pharmacy, which then received its current name, "Sharp's Corner Drug Store".

Since then, the business continues to serve the community and remains in the ownership of the Sharp family. However, numerous changes have been made to the operational side of the business to improve its efficiency; not only did the drugstore help pioneer the use of computers for business operations in Sussex, it was also a notable early adopter of automatic pill counters.

The appearance of the building itself is also important to its heritage status. With its gable-roofed rectangular form and regular fenestration, the original two-story building is a good representation of Classic Revival architecture. Its later extension at the corner of Broad and Main streets is notable for its unusual trapezoidal shape and flattish roof, making it resemble a "flat iron". 

Heritage Recognition

Municipal Register of Local Historic Places (2007/11/26)


Date of Construction


Character Defining Elements

- Original two-storey
- Later one-storey addition in an irregular trapezoidal shape at the corner of Broad and Main streets
- Recessed entrance on trapezoidal extension
- Medium-sloped gable roof of main building and flat roof of extension
- Returned eaves with simplistic brackets
- Corner boards;
- Symmetrically placed rectangular windows of original massing
- Decorative stained glass windows
- Neon sign on side facade that reads "Sharps Drugs"

Additions/Major Alterations

Trapezoidal extension with recessed entrance at the corner of Broad and Main streets


Side view of Sharp's Corner Drug Store, photographed by the Town of Sussex. Image taken from

Sources Contributors

Gabrielle Byrne

Copyright 2023
A Ginger Design