Women’s Institute Home



Alternate Titles

Benn House

Type / Purpose

Private residence / retirement home


129 Chapel Street Street, Woodstock, New Brunswick


The Women’s Institute Home at 129 Chapel Street Street, Woodstock, is a green, gable-roofed house with a wide front porch.

Heritage Value

The Women's Institute Building in Woodstock is recognized for its association with the New Brunswick Women’s Institute.

Built in 1911, this home was originally the private residence of merchant Alex Benn. In that same year, the New Brunswick branch of the Women’s Institute was created. The Women's Institute had been founded in Canada in 1897 and was dedicated to improving the lives of women in rural communities.

In 1951, this house was purchased by the NBWI, with the intent of turning it into a retirement home for elderly WI members. To pay the cost of the building, the NBWI sold 20,000 copies of its Victory Women’s Institute Cookbook. The renovation was a success and the WI Home was opened in 1953. Across its 60 years of operation, it was home more than 1500 women. It was the first and only WI Home not just in Canada but the entire world.

Heritage Recognition

A historical marker was placed outside the house by the Town of Woodstock


Date of Construction


Character Defining Elements


Notable Historic Occupants

Alex Benn, New Brunswick Women’s Institute


Women's Institute Home Marker, photograph by Cosmos Mariner, July 31, 2019, taken from The Historical Marker Database.

Sources Contributors

Gabrielle Byrne

Copyright 2023
A Ginger Design