Type / PurposePrivate Residence
24 Waterloo Row, Fredericton, New Brunswick
24 Waterloo Row is a two-storey Queen Anne Revival residence in Fredericton. It sports a very large and rounded corner tower on the left of the front façade
The Queen Anne Revival dwelling on 24 Waterloo Row, Fredericton, is notable for its association with noted Fredericton historian Isabel Louise Hill, as well as for its Queen Anne Revival architecture.
The house is best associated with Isabel Louise Hill (1901–1996). The building was acquired by her father, then-retired Brigadier General Frederick William Hill, in 1950. Hill was the last chief commissioner of the New Brunswick Provincial Police before the organization was replaced by the RCMP in 1932. He shared this residence with his daughter, Isabel.
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Isabel Louise Hill worked as a librarian at the Legislative Library. However, her true life work was recording and publishing pieces on early Fredericton history with a focus on genealogy. Over the course of her career, Miss Hill released several publications on various historical subjects. For example, in 1968, she published “Fredericton, New Brunswick, British North America,” which details the history of many notable Fredericton buildings and their occupants. She also completed three volumes on the subject of the Old Burial Ground (Fredericton's main graveyard from 1787 to 1886), with an unfinished fourth volume being published posthumously. Her last piece was published in 1993, when she was 92 years old.
The house itself is considered a restrained example of Queen Anne Revival architecture and is notable for its unusual tower. While corner towers are a common element of the Queen Anne Revival style, the tower of this residence is abnormally large, being a cylindrical structure with six street-facing windows and a curved roof. The strange design led to the house being nicknamed “the coffee pot.”
Municipal Register of Local Historic Places (2007/12/10)
Date of Construction1928
- Two-storey wood frame massing in simplified Queen Anne Revival style
- Side-gabled roof
- Very large and protruding cylindrical corner tower topped by a curved roof with cornice
- Two rows of rectangular street-facing windows on the corner tower
- Six square windows directly under the roof of the corner tower
- Open front veranda covered by a roof with triangular pediment
- Single rectangular window above the porch roof
- Small circular window on the porch
- Piano windows on north façade
Notable Historic OccupantsBrigadier General Frederick William Hill:
Former Brigadier General, last chief commissioner of the New Brunswick Provincial Police
Isabel Louise Hill (1901–1996):
Frederick's daughter, librarian at the Fredericton Legislative Library, historian, author
Links/Related Content Photos
Front view of the house at 24 Waterloo Row, photographed by the City of Fredericton. Image taken from
Sources Contributors
Gabrielle Byrne