Type / PurposePrivate Residence
373 Principale Street, Edmundston, New Brunswick
The Dr. Honoré Cyr House is two-storey American Foursquare residence at 373 Principale Street, Edmundston.
The Dr. Honoré Cyr House is a good example of an American Foursquare-style residence in the former village of Saint-Basile, now a part of Edmundston. This style, known for focusing on function over decoration, was highly popular when this building was constructed circa 1913.
The residence's namesake inhabitant Dr. Honoré Cyr is notable for his role in establishing the medical profession in Saint-Basile. He opened the first doctor’s office in the area shortly after his arrival in 1927 and also spent many years working as an anaesthetist at the Hôtel-Dieu hospital.
Municipal Register of Local Historic Places (2006/01/30)
Date of Constructionc. 1913
- Two-storey square massing
- Pavilion roof
- Columned veranda stretching front and one side façade
- Hipped triple-window dormer on roof of the front veranda
- American Foursquare style with functional design
Notable Historic OccupantsDr. Honoré Cyr:
A pioneering medical professional in Saint-Basile. He opened the first doctor’s office in the area shortly after his arrival in 1927 and was also a longtime anesthetist at the Hôtel-Dieu hospital.
Photograph by the Société historique du Madawaska, taken from the Canada's Historic Places website
Sources Contributors
Gabrielle Byrne