St. Luke’s Anglican Church


Type / Purpose



104 Church Street, Woodstock, New Brunswick, E7M, Canada


St. Luke’s Anglican Church is a large white ecclesiastical Carpenter Gothic church in Woodstock

Heritage Value

St. Luke’s Anglican Church is notable for the circumstances behind its construction, and well as its display of the ecclesiastical Carpenter Gothic style.

St. Luke’s Anglican Church was actually the third Anglican church to be built on the lot on 104 Church Street. The first St. Luke's was erected as early as 1814, giving the large Anglican population among Woodstock’s Loyalist settlers a place to worship. In the 1880s, plans were made to replace it, however, the second church would never be finished as it was one of many downtown buildings destroyed in the Great Woodstock Fire of 1882. When construction restarted, the new church followed the same plan, ultimately resulting in the third and current St. Luke’s Anglican Church being opened in 1884.

The building is also notable in how it exemplifies ecclesiastical Carpenter Gothic architecture. The tall tower and spire on the front facade showcases this style, as does the various arched stained glass windows across the structure. The church has changed very little since its creation except for the implementation of more stained glass windows, electrical lighting and a new access ramp.

Heritage Recognition

Municipal Register of Local Historic Places (2006/06/14)


Date of Construction


Character Defining Elements

- Ecclesiastical Carpenter Gothic architecture
- Two-storey massing with white wooden clapboard siding and steep roof
- Tall decorative side tower topped with a Celtic cross
- Long and thin clerestory windows
- Gothic arch stained glass windows

- Pews and altar area constructed from black oak and walnut
- Pine shellacked woodwork throughout building
- Large reredos
- Rood-screen
- Oak faldstool
- Two manual Casavant pipe organs
- Vaulted wooden truss work

Additions/Major Alterations

- Electrical lighting installed
- Access ramp added
- Additional stained-glass windows implemented

Builder/Building Company

W. Price


S. C. Earle


St Lukes Anglican Church, photographed by the Carleton County Historical Society. Image taken from

Sources Contributors

Gabrielle Byrne

Copyright 2023
A Ginger Design