School Days Museum

A gray door surrounded by brick walls. A panel above the door reads 'School Days Museum'

This museum contains a vast collection of artifacts, archival material, books and furniture used in the public schools, teacher training, and the New Brunswick Department of Education, dating as far back as the mid-19th century. Enter the Annex side door to the right of building (next to the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design) to visit the museum.

2024 Hours of Operation:
Opening June 17, 2024
Monday to Friday 9 AM to 4 PM


Re-enactments in the one room school:
Wednesday 1:30 PM ( approximately 45 minutes) Reservations required (call 506-459-3738).

Researchers welcome (by appointment) Phone: 459- 3738

Queen Street, Justice Building Annex, Fredericton, NB

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