Notice of Annual General Meeting 2024

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The AHNB’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2024, following lunch (12:00 pm) at the Fredericton Inn in Fredericton.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or (506) 454-3561.
Association Heritage New Brunswick
503 Queen Street, Fredericton
N.B.  E3B 5H1

Annual Report and AGM Package:    

The Annual Report highlights the important accomplishments of the AHNB over the last year. This year’s digital Annual Report and AGM package include the following:

  • Notice of Annual General Meeting (See Above)
  • Annual General Meeting 2024 Agenda (available soon)
  • Annual General Meeting 2023 Minutes (available soon)
  • 2023 – 2024 Audited Financial Statements (available soon)
  • AHNB-APNB Annual Report (available soon)
  • Candidates for Board of Directors, 2024 – 2025 (available soon)
  • Proposed Amendment to By-Laws (available soon)
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