McAdam Booster Station


Type / Purpose

Booster Station


92 Saunders Road, McAdam, York County, New Brunswick, E6J 1L2


The Booster Station is a compact brick building, located next the grandiose former McAdam Canadian Pacific Railway Station.

Heritage Value

The McAdam Booster is recognized for its association with the McAdam Canada Pacific Railway Station. 

The booster station was built in 1931, about thirty years after the original McAdam Railway Station. As time had gone on since the station's opening, new technologies had been rolled out that allowed for quick and efficient communication via telegraph and commercial wireless signals. The booster station was thus built to house equipment that would strengthen or boost these signals, in turn helping foster communications between stations and improving the services provided to passengers on C.P.R. lines.

Regarding its architecture, though compact and utilitarian, the Booster Station nevertheless mimics the basic style of its grander companion. The brown one-story stone massing sports a red hipped roof with dormers.


Date of Construction


Character Defining Elements

- Squarish, single-storey massing
- Hipped roof with dormers

Builder/Building Company

C. W. Bowlin, Woodstock, N.B.



“C.P.R. Adding to McAdam Equipment: “Booster” Radio and Telegraph Station, Started Last Thursday Will Cost $28,000.” St. Croix Courier, 23 July 23 1931. Volume 67, No. 40, p. 1.


Shawna Cyr-Calder, Gabrielle Byrne

Copyright 2023
A Ginger Design