2022 AGM Minutes

Association Heritage New Brunswick 2022


October 13, 2022


Sophie Auffrey, Philippe Basque, Marion Beyea, Kellie Blue, Edmond Bourgeois, Martha Brideau, Lawren Campbell, Marc Chamberlain, Janet Clouston, Jeanne Mance Cormier, Sophie Cormier, Diane Cyr, Estelle Dupuis, MJ Edwards, Erin Jeffries, Evelyn Fidler, Francis Hunter, Laviolette Marcus, Kelly Smith, Nicholas Peter-Paul, Dominique Gélinas, Gerry Gillcash, Andrée Godin, Anja Hamilton, Hope Hunter, Nancy Landry, Melynda Jarratt, Robert Moran, Judy Morison, Gaëtane Saucier Nadeau, Joan Pearce, Ruth Anne Robinson, Michelle Roy, Lee Sochasky, Guy Tremblay, Karen Valanne, Ismet Baba-Moussa, Ilana Grallert, Sylvain Lanteigne, Melanie Wade, Selma Zaiane-Ghalia, Greg Fekner, and Pierre Cormier

Call to Order

Gerry Gillcash asked if we had a quorum.  Since it was noted that we had a quorum, he called to order the Annual General Meeting of the AHNB membership at 12:25 pm on Thursday, 13 October 2022.


Lee Sochasky moved to approve the agenda and Gaëtane Saucier Nadeau seconded. Motion carried.

Approval of the Minutes from the Previous Meeting

Lawren Campbell moved the adoption of the minutes of the 2021 AGM, and Aline Landry seconded.  Motion carried.

Business arising from the minutes

Gerry asked if there was any business arising from the minutes. There was none.

Treasurer’s Report

Greg Fekner presented the Treasurer’s report and said it was audited up to March 31, 2022.

Lee moved that the AHNB use the same auditors for next year, MacMillan Lawrence & Lawrence. Gaëtane Saucier Nadeau seconded. Motion carried.

The motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented was moved by Greg Fekner and seconded by Evelyn Fidler.  Motion carried.

Annual Report

Gerry discussed our new strategic plan and then asked if there were any questions about the Annual Report that was distributed earlier.  Since there were none, Gerry Gillcash moved the adoption of the Annual Report including our 3-year Strategic Plan, and Dominique Gélinas seconded.  Motion carried.

Nominations and Board Membership

Past President, Gaëtane Saucier Nadeau, presented the Nomination Committee Report.  She named those remaining on the Board who have yet to finish their term and put forth one name for nomination, Lauren Coté, for the position of Secretary.  Gaëtane called for nominations from the floor three times, and no names came forth. Gaëtane asked that the slate of officers as presented, and the nomination of Lauren Coté as Secretary be accepted.  Zaiane-Ghalia seconded. Motion carried.

2022/2023 Executive Committee 

President – Gerry Gillcash
1st Vice President – Lawren Campbell
2nd Vice President – Aline Landry
Treasurer – Greg Fekner
Secretary – Lauren Coté
Past President – Gaëtane Saucier Nadeau

2022/2023 Board of Directors 
Joan Pearce
Lee Sochasky
Pierre Cormier
Dominique Gélinas
Ken Walker
Jeremy Mouat
Alice Fudge
Philippe Basque
Anja Hamilton, Ex-Officio

Amendment to Bylaw #29

  1. Banking Arrangements: The banking business of the Association or any part thereof shall be transacted with such bank, trust company or other firm or corporation carrying on a banking business as the Board may designate, appoint or authorize from time to time by resolution and all such banking business or any part thereof shall be transacted on the Association’s behalf by such one or more officers as the Board may designate, direct or authorize from time to time.

(a) Execution of Instruments: All obligations on behalf of the Association must be signed by any two (2) of, the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Executive Director.

(b) that the Board of Directors is hereby authorized and approved to authorize and empower the Executive Director to execute, endorse and deliver in the name of and on behalf of the AMNB Inc. following a Board Resolution, any and all Grant Applications, agreements, documents, contracts, and other instruments of whatever nature entered into by the Association Museums of New Brunswick Inc..

(C) Financial Year: The financial year, unless otherwise ordered by the Board, shall commence on the 1st day of April and end on the 31st day of March.

Gerry read the changes that will give signing authority to the Executive Director as the position did not exist when the bylaw was first written. Gaëtane Saucier Nadeau moved the adoption of the changes, and Dominique Gélinas seconded. Motion carried.

Other Business

Gerry thanked the conference committee and AHNB staff for their hard work in planning the conference.


Gerry Gillcash moved we adjourn at 12:42 PM

Prepared by Evelyn Fidler, Secretary

Copyright 2023