Mission Statement and Strategic Plan 2023-2025

The Association Heritage New Brunswick is a non-profit, membership based organization that represents New Brunswick’s museums and built heritage interests through education, public awareness, advocacy and professional development.  The Association promotes professionalism and adherence to established standards.


Promote the conservation, preservation, interpretation and appreciation of New Brunswick’s heritage resources.


  1. Be the voice for heritage in New Brunswick
  2. Facilitate heritage educational opportunities
  3. Facilitate and support heritage awareness, appreciation and conservation
  4. Sustain the organization

AHNB’s 3-year Strategic Plan has 4 pillars, each with specific goals. The actions to achieve the goals under the pillars will be affected based on resources.

Pillar 1 – Capacity-building (Institution)
1. Management – HR
2. Governance – Board Management
3. Standards
4. Accreditation


– Succession Planning / Training
– Volunteer and Membership Development
– HR Tool Kit
– Update Basic Museum Standards Manual
– Templates
– Revenue Development / Fundraising
– Museum Accreditation Program – Museum Standards

Pillar 2 – Professional Development (Individual)
1. Training
2. Networking


– Provide Workshops / Webinars based on membership needs
– Return to in person Conferences 

Pillar 3 – Communication
1. Marketing (Museums)
2. Public Awareness (Built Heritage)
3. Partnerships (Strategic Relationships)


– New Website
– Inventory Project
– NB Endangered Places List
– Culturally Responsive – A commitment to being agents of social change, ultimately working to remove all barriers, and creating conditions that benefit everyone.

Pillar 4 – Advocacy
1. Promotion of Sector / Value / Image
2. Relationship / 2 scheduled meetings a year
3. Staffing


– Government Funding – Operational (Museums) & Staffing (AHNB)
– NB Cultural Policy
– Heritage Bi-laws / Review New Brunswick’s Heritage Conservation Act
– Built Heritage Rehabilitation (Government Programming)

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