Private: Restigouche Regional Museum

The Restigouche Regional Museum, a large yellow gabled building

Restigouche is one of the largest most diverse counties in New Brunswick. From the highlands of the Appalachian Interior to the coasts of Chaleur Bay, it holds a wealth of history, both natural and human. The Restigouche Regional Museum dates from 1967 and attempts to recreate the Restigouche story, beginning with the remote past when strange creatures swam in tropical seas, where now villages, towns and a city stand.

The Restigouche Regional Museum traces the development of the unique Mi’lmaq culture, the arrival of Acadian, French, Scottish, British and Irish settlers, and the development of logging, ship building and paper industries to the present day.


Summer Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday


424 William Street Dalhousie NB E8C 2X5

684-7490 or 365-1359 (fax)

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